Alternatieve kankerbehandelingen

Op deze pagina zal binnenkort meer informatie verschijnen over alternatieve kankerbehandelingen.

Joe Tippens’ Protocol – The hidden truth. How a cancer patient healed himself

Klik hier voor meer informatie over Fenbendazole en de anti kanker eigenschappen. 

Aantekening om nog uit te werken:



  • Curcuma
  • CBD olie
  • Vit E complex Tocoferolen
  • Maria distel
  • NAC
The Jimmy Dore Show about Ivermectin (Start op 28:03)
Dr. Jane Ruby

Link naar Rumble

Cancer is intracellular parasites
Dr. Lee Merritt

Dr Blaylock

Hoe de gezondheid van je darmen je algehele gezondheid beïnvloed. Van Candida tot parasieten. -> Link

Meer informatie over Fenbendazole en Ivermectine

Klik hier
Ivermectine bij kanker


Graviola tegen kanker – WebMD
Gerson anti kanker dieet

Farmaceutische wereld wenst geen goedkoop werkend medicijn voor kanker op de markt. 
Video over het Nagalase

Hoe farmaceuten, de ontwikkeling van veilige nieuwe kankerbehandelingen tegen houden. 

Link Rumble – Treating Cancer – Dr Thomas Seyfried

See you next week
Patient Cured customer Lost

One of the most Important discoveries supporting oxygen therapy occurred in 1931, when Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for proving that viruses cannor proliferate or exist in an envireonment with high levels of Oxygen. That’s because viruses are anaerobic, which means that they occure and thrive in the absence of oxygen. Dr. Warburg has been quoted as saying, “Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may becomecancerous.” He further stated that the prime cause of Cancre is insufficient oxygen at the cellular level, and that cancer cells cannot survive in a high oxygen environment.


One of out every 3 adults in America has cancer, but most incidences are as yet undiagnosed and undeteted. Additionally, every human being has cancer sells existing in the body which are just seeking a low-oxygen envirement where they can multiply into the full-blown disease.

There have been countless studies proving conclusively that increased oxygenation, whether in the form of hydrogen peroxide, ozone or hyperbaric oxygen brings about the destruction of viruses. Cancerous tumors shrink when put into contact with oxygen. The studies conducted by other researchers and doctors have proven that not only cancer cells but almost all toxins, bacteria, viruses, pathogens and disease microorganisms are oxidized and killed in high oxygen environments.

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