Overgenomen bericht van Telegram:

In this 2 minute video you can see, consecutively, the settlers of:

1. a normal person

2. a 35 year old woman with:
– skin problems
– headache
– chronic fatigue syndrome
– observe the biofilm

3. a 49 year old man, suffering from:
– diabetes
– joint pain
– nervousness
– see the parasites

4. 21 year old woman, suffering from:
– Lily of the valley
– immunodeficiency
– allergies
– asthma
– look at the candida

5. 58 year old man:
– arrhythmia
– atherosclerosis
– hypertension
– observe the polyps

6. 45 year old woman:
– chronic constipation
– breast cancer

7. 65 year old woman
– chronic constipation
– breast cancer

Watch this video several times, and keep these images in mind, to see what sick people suffer from. I cannot emphasize enemas (darmspoeling) enough 🙏🏻 + deworming.

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