– Fenbendazole (Against parasites)
I bought these capsules here: 
You can use discount code: FENBEN10
Mabe you could find them cheaper in Poland. It is cheap to make and it was very cheap some years ago. But it gets more expensive as more people are buying it for themselves.

Albendazole is a stronger Anti-parasitic medicine, but in the Netherlands only available true a doctor prescription.
Mebendazole is also available for parasite treatment in animals.

– DMSO (For pain, and healing, it’s a form of Sulfer that you also find in Unions)
I buy this one with someone I know. You don’t need much, but you can buy it cheap in liters.  It’s a strange compound that has a remarkeble healing quality to many. Don’t let it come in contact with plastic, it will dissolve plastic. € 4


– Melatonin (Sleep hormone, helps restore your sleep cycle, promote deep sleep. Is the most powerfull antioxidant in the body that promotes healing).
Link to Iherb melatonin € 5,15

– DHA 250 Fishoil (for brain and Eye Health)
Link to Iherb DHA € 14

– Vitamine D3 2.000 IU (Sunshine vitamin)
Link to Iherb € 10,13

– Vitamin B1 (Essensial to proces sugars and grains into energy, good for the nervoussystem)
B1 is in every food, but it can be a problem when you eat a lot of white bread, white pasta’s and drink alcohol.
Link to Iherb

– Tumeric, Curkumin, Kurkuma (Anti inflammatory and other healing bennefits)
Link to Iherb € 6,76

– Nutritional yeast (also called in Dutch Edelgist Vlokkken)
Natural supplement for all the B vitamins accept B12 (you will find B12 in meat products)
You can use it as flavouring in or over your meal.
You can buy Nutrional yeast in many shops locally. Healthfood stores, EKO Plaza, etc.