Mirre / Myrrh

Myrrh: A Key New Weapon in the Constant Fight against Parasites and Other Stealth Pathogen

Nutricost, Myrrh Extract, 650 mg, 120 Capsules -> iHerb

Sacred Myrrh Testimonies Chat

Terpenoids from Myrrh
Myrrh shows antiproliferative effects against several cancer cell lines in vitro and was able to show antitumour potential comparable to cyclophosphamide in a mouse study. Although the antiproliferative activity of various triterpenes has been investigated many times, as well as its anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal  effects, data regarding triterpenes from myrrh are rare. For most triterpenes, their cytotoxic properties are limited in cancer cells. Pubmed

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A few ppl on here asked how to take myrrh. 6 or 9 day pulse over the new and full moon. Twice a month. Plenty of binders to help prevent the body from absorbing the toxins they produce when they die off, otherwise the body can reabsorb this crap from them n make u feel poorly/herxhimer.

If using raw resin gum 2-3 grams on an empty stomach. Stick it in the freezer, easier to then grind it up then.stick in capsules or stir into water n down it in 1!

PDF download – Parasite Removal Protocols Using Myrrh Extract

Myrrh Parasite Protocol -> link website

Aantekening: (opmerking onder een youtube video) 

Avermectin/Ivermectin are very large molecules….that appear to have weak bonds that, if broken, could degrade into turpenes and terpenoids. The very things Myrrh is made from.

Terpenoid – wikipedia

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